Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Monthly Meetings
Worship Service
3rd Sunday of the Month
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Spiritual Development Classes
2nd and 4th Saturday Afternoons 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Spirit Circle Meditation Group
1st Sunday of the Month
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Beyond The Veil: A Spiritual Message Service- 4th Friday of the month
If you have never attended a Spiritual Message Service then you are in for a treat. During the service, Spirit guides, teachers, and even ancestors in Spirit join us to bring short messages to some participants. These messages can bring joy, closure, inspiration, and practical advice from Beyond The Veil. Be aware that individual messages will not be given for all those attending, due to time limitations and the simple fact that Spirit may not have a message for you at that time. Email us by 5pm on the Thursday before if you would like to participate.
Healing Meditation Circle -1st Wednesday of the Month
Join us as we gather to meditate on global healing, and world peace, and to send spiritual light and uplifting energy to mitigate adverse situations like human trafficking and land appropriation.
Psychic / Holistic Fairs - stay tuned for dates
Our psychic & holistic fairs are a great opportunity for you to get face-to-face psychic readings, messages from Spirit, energy clearings, and peruse interesting metaphysical tools and aids available. This is a fun day spent exploring the realm of metaphysics, and a reprieve from this mundane world.